
Sunday 2 July 2017



MEMORY VERSE: ‘’But unto them which are called, both Jews and Greeks, Christ the power of God, and the wisdom of God" - 1Corinthians 1:24

BIBLE PASSAGE: 1Corinthians 1:18-24

We were made to understand last sunday that the preaching of the gospel is compulsory for all believers. It follows, therefore, that if this assignment is to be carried out cheerfully and fearlessly, and with divine approval, divine wisdom, compassion and the Holy Spirit, power must be possessed by any would-be preacher of the gospel. May the Holy Spirit teach us as we study, in Jesus' name.

1. Godly wisdom
2. Compassion
3. Power

It is God's perfect will to give wisdom to any who lack it and who will ask in faith (James 1:5-8) for it is the wisdom of God that can confound the wise of this world (1Corinthians 1:27) as it happened during Paul's ministration to the Athenians (Acts 17:15-34). Furthermore, the preaching of the gospel that has Jesus Christ as its theme always, is indeed wisdom because He does not only expose carnality but also impacts spiritual things (1Corinthians 3:2-4; 2:13, 16).

This was the divine nature that was manifested in the Lord Jesus Christ throughout His earthly ministry (Matthew 9:36; 23:37; Mark 1:41; Luke 7:13). Gospel preachers can be likened to Pharaoh's daughter who came to the rescue of baby Moses (Exodus 2:6). We must take a cue from our Lord and be compassionate. His admonition to persecutors as well reveals this (Luke 6:28). When we were yet sinners, Christ died for us (Romans 5:8).

The need for power in gospel preaching cannot be over emphasised. The Lord made an open declaration of this in His great commission to us (Matthew 28:18-20; Acts 1:8). Believers are to preach the gospel with boldness, for the Spirit of God is for boldness, love, power and sound mind (Acts 4:31; 2Timothy 1:7). This power will pull down all the strongholds of the enemy (Satan) and his agents, in and around both the speaker and the hearer, which may want to render the message ineffective (2Corinthians 10:4-5; Acts 16:16-18).

Let us, as true ambassadors for Christ (2Corinthians 5:20), rise up in obedience to the command of our Lord and preach the gospel with compassion and power. His grace is our sufficiency (Philippians 4:13). Please pray to God and go. Tomorrow may be too late.

1. The Lord Jesus Christ is what and what from our study?
2. Why is it compulsory for gospel preachers to be compassionate?
3. Give reasons for the need of the Holy Ghost power in gospel preaching?

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