
Thursday 17 August 2017

Negative Criticism!

Negative Criticism!

Negative critics will talk behind your back and call you 'crazy' even when you're diligently pursuing your goals and the results are showing slowly. But that's fine, if you follow through and are determined to do 'whatever' it takes to achieve your God-given assignment, the same folks will eventually admire your courage and may even join your vision. 

People will criticize you or your decisions because not everyone sees what you see. They can't see from your perspective and sometimes, they don't want to. The key is not you going about and trying to explain yourself. How do you explain a Giraffe's decisions to a turtle?​

❓So, how do you react when criticized? How do you handle terrible comments from those whose words means a lot to you? Of all the comments you hear about yourself, how do you filter out what to consider and what not to?

****** *More Tomorrow*​ ******

And always remember:

​✍ You will never reach your destination if you stop to throw stones at every dog that backs at you.- _​Mark Twain_​​

✍ The best way to answer your critics is to be more successful, to produce more results, more feats, and more accomplishments.​

✍ For every one person who hates you, there are 10 more who love and hold you in high esteem, choose your focus wisely.​

✍ A wise woman accepts both compliments and criticism graciously knowing that it takes both sun and rain for a flower to grow.​

✍ And for those who've taken (negative) criticism as a  major career, don't forget, _blowing out someone else's candle won't make yours shine brighter...”​​

Thanks for your time​
​Do have a 'favoured filled' day...​
...and don't forget to share.​

​© Josh...​
Image: Anxiety Guru

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