
Friday 8 September 2017




Giving thanks unto the Father, which hath made us meet to be partakers of the inheritance of the saints in light: Colossians 1:12

Read: Colossians 1:12-13, Ephesians 2:1-2

1:12 Giving thanks unto the Father, which hath made us meet to be partakers of the inheritance of the saints in light:

1:13 Who hath delivered us from the power of darkness, and hath translated us into the kingdom of his dear Son:

Ephesian 2:1-2

2:1 And you hath he quickened, who were dead in trespasses and sins;

2:2Wherein in time past ye walked according to the course of this world, according to the prince of the power of the air, the spirit that now worketh in the children of disobedience:


  In every village, town, city, state or nation, there are usually two kingdoms at play: the kingdom of light and the kingdom of darkness. Colossians 1:13 says,

“Who hath delivered us from the power of darkness, and hath translated us into the kingdom of his dear Son:”

  This scripture shows that every child of God has been moved from one of these kingdoms to the other. If you are truly saved, you are no longer in darkness but in the kingdom of light. As light, you should not be afraid of operators in the kingdom of darkness, such as witches, wizards and those in the cult, because you have a greater One inside of you (1 John 4:4). If you are afraid of them, this indicates to you that all is not well with you; there could be some cracks in your wall, and sin might be responsible. 

  Whatever compromises your holiness compromises your divine security. When these operators of darkness see that your light is shining brightly, they will withdraw and dangle carrots of temptation at you, and if you fall for it, they will strike at you.

  Moreover, the reason why God translated us from the kingdom of darkness to the kingdom of His dear Son is because He is interested in having His will established both in Heaven and here on earth. Although nothing short of God’s will is done in  Heaven, on earth, there is still a struggle to establish God’s will, because man handed over control of the earth to the kingdom of darkness in the Garden of Eden (Luke 4:5-6).

  As a child of God, you are therefore an agent of re-establishing God’s will in any corner of the earth where you find yourself. If you want to establish and fulfill God’s will, you will make no room for lies, sin and pretense.

  Among God’s children on earth today, you will be shocked to know how many of them really seek to do His will in all areas of their lives. Many of us want God to change His plans and ways to suit ours, but that is an expectation in futility. God does not change: He is ever the same (Malachi 3:6). As conservative as He may appear to be, His technology in Heaven is billions of years ahead of ours on earth. In fact, He is the One who gives our researchers, thinkers and inventors the latest discoveries they get.

  Such scientific discoveries are new and news to us, but not to those in Heaven. To them, the best we have on offer is stale news. In Heaven, there are no gimmicks or tricks. Everything revolves around God, and He is in control of time. 

  When God therefore gives you an assignment, He has expectations regarding when, where and how it should be done. If you miss out on any of the details, you will be on your own. To what extent are you doing His will?

Action Point:
Ask God for grace to know Him, and for courage to do His will in every situation.

2 Chronicles 19-20
Ezekiel 38:17-39:8


1. Deeper, deeper in the love of Jesus
Daily let me go;
Higher, higher in the school of wisdom,
More of grace to know.

Oh, deeper yet, I pray,
And higher every day,
And wiser, blessed Lord,
In Thy precious, holy Word.

2. Deeper, deeper, blessed Holy Spirit,
Take me deeper still,
Till my life is wholly lost in Jesus,
And His perfect will.


3. Deeper, deeper! though it cost hard trials,
Deeper let me go!
Rooted in the holy love of Jesus,
Let me fruitful grow.


4.  Deeper, higher, every day in Jesus,
Till all conflict past,
Finds me conqu’ror, and in His own image
Perfected at last.


5. Deeper, deeper in the faith of Jesus,
Holy faith and true;
In His pow’r and soul exulting wisdom
Let me peace pursue.

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